Access Keys:

St Francis Special School, Whitefield, Beaufort, Co. Kerry

Chestnut Class

Class teacher(s): Cora & Louise

SNAs: Shane & Marita

In the Chestnut class we love going on social outings to local restaurants and practicing ordering in restaurants to build on our independent skills. We also have great fun going on our bikes and going for walks around the campus together.



27th Jun 2024
And just like that, the 2023/24 school year has come to an end. It has been...
28th May 2024
The Chestnut Class enjoyed a social outing to Rossbeigh this month. It was quite...
29th Apr 2024
The Chestnut class have been keeping very busy during the month of April. Faye and...
21st Mar 2024
Chestnut class loved having Emma our student Home Ec teacher in school the last few...

Latest Photographs


Class Photograph
